Wednesday, March 13, 2019

This is one of my favourite quotes - I was that fish in the jar! 

Eric Mcluhan who I dedicated my graphic novel to, was my mentor and friend I was very fortune to have for over forty years. I completed the first version of my book which was about 95 pages, way back around 2010. The story ended in 1980 after Marshal Mcluhan wake, at Eric's house, new years eve... my birthday.  I gave Eric a copy of my book to read and I remember that I was a bit nervous as to what he would think. After reading it,  he referred to my journey as an odyssey.  He encouraged me to tell more... so I did. Below is a letter he wrote after reading my book. Sadly... he past away last May 2018 and never saw the completed 265 page version. The letter below is what he wrote back in 2010.

This is a page from a sequence in my book, were I'm having a conversation about education with Eric.
When I was working on these pages, I asked Eric if he could help me out and answer a few questions I had about the importance in a University education... What he wrote was just what I needed to complete these pages. I will try and find that letter...

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