While I was away I worked on my third script for Borealice #3! It's still a draft at this point but hopefully by the end of the summer I'll be finished the layouts, so I'm ready to start the final artwork in the fall. I've decided to go with the DC method, which is writing a script before I do the artwork. That's how I did my first book, the second book was done the Marvel way and I've learned that the DC way works better for me. Ken tells me, he prefers the Marvel way because the artist has more control, where as the DC way gives more control to the writer. But seeing that I'm doing the writing and the artwork... I find I like to get all my thinking out first. This gives me the time I need to wrap my head around what I want to say.
Anyway, in the meen time... I'll continue to post some pictures of our Europe trip or whatever else strikes my fancy.